The homosexuality issue is a cultural “canary in the coal mine,” as it were. If homosexuality is affirmed by conservatives, the canary is dead, and Christians had better scramble for fresher air.
But with this issue, to perhaps over-stress the analogy, discerning eyes can see the poor canary gasping long before it lays down for its final sleep.
During the 2022 season finale of Daily Wire Backstage, co-founder Jeremy Boreing said this about the US Supreme Court Obergefell decision:
One of the positive consequences of gay marriage is that probably for the first time in history a lot of gay men are considering [getting married and being monogamous].
Another Daily Wire host chimed in: “[Gay people] were forced into situations that were degrading both to them and to the society. When people were getting together in bathrooms and bathhouses and things like that, it was actually bad for society.”
The problem with this take is that the “sodomonogamy” he claims is being considered by gay men is not a positive consequence. It actually represents a further judgment on those who want to partake in this sin without its natural consequences.
“Sodomonogamy” being considered by gay men is not a positive consequence. It actually represents a further judgment on those who want to partake in this sin without its natural consequences.
In Deuteronomy, as Moses is describing the curses on Israel if they transgress His covenant, He warns them of blindness:
The Lord will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart. And you shall grope at noonday, as a blind man gropes in darkness; you shall not prosper in your ways; you shall be only oppressed and plundered continually, and no one shall save you. — Deut. 28:27-29 (NKJV)
The blindness and confusion are “of the heart.” Not only will the Israelites be punished externally for their sins, but they will be given over to moral blindness. They won’t be able to tell right from wrong and it will bring oppression and plundering.
Those kinds of bathroom situations were degrading. They brought all sorts of misery onto the individuals involved — emotional, spiritual, physical — and onto society. And it’s true that some of those miseries can be, in part, alleviated by monogamy.
But the attempt to artificially make sin less degrading represents a fundamental lie about the perversion taking place. It says, “You can engage in wickedness and avoid the natural consequences of sin.” It’s an echo of what Satan said to Eve in the garden, “You shall not surely die.”
The attempt to artificially make sin less degrading represents a fundamental lie about the perversion taking place. It says, “You can engage in wickedness and avoid the natural consequences of sin.”
Take abortion, for example. Before Roe, abortion happened in back alleys (like sodomy in bathrooms). Did that not have a chilling effect on abortion? Did that brutality not convince some women to avoid killing their children?
After Roe, abortion was moved into the sterile environment of an operating room. It had regulations and safeguards. It became “healthcare.”
But it became more sinister, not less. The external consequences were removed and the vileness was less discernible. The sin seemed safer. 60,000,000 slaughtered babies later, abortion is more dangerous than ever.
The same goes for sodomonogamy. If a feigned monogamy reduces the physical, emotional, and mental consequences of homesexuality, it will seem safer. And in this way, it is more dangerous than ever.
As one hip-hop artist put it, “sin is like excrement covered in whipped cream.”
Obergefell was a generous helping of whipped cream on an already putrid pile of you-know-what. The supposed “positive consequence” of gay men considering monogamy blinds them to the true nature of their sin. Seen this way, the positive consequence that Boreing claims came with Obergefell is actually the worst consequence of all: darkness, blindness, oblivion.
This article is not meant to just be a potshot in the culture war, though.
I am not throwing Boering or the Daily Wire under the bus because of one sentence during a live broadcast. They have broken a lot of important news stories shedding light on just how perverse our culture has become. That’s a good thing.
I'm glad to acknowledge that the organization has been an effective aircraft carrier in the culture war. My concern is that Boering's sentiment is off track in this case. And if Christians blindly jump on board, they may look up a few thousand miles from now and find themselves disembarking in a society as bad or worse than the one they left.
These fundamental changes in society have implications for evangelism and Christian ministry.
If the civil government is a servant of God for our good, public policy should not attempt to take the bitter edge off of sin.
Puritan Thomas Watson said, “Till sin is bitter, Christ will not be sweet.” If the civil government is a servant of God for our good, public policy should not attempt to take the bitter edge off of sin. That bitter edge can lead men to Christ.
As such, Christians should not support the legalization of same-sex marriage. After years of secular propaganda to the contrary, Christians should stand up and say that this sin — sodomonogamy or not — is destructive to the image of God in His creatures and society in general.
Christians must echo the prophetic clarity of the Apostle Paul when he writes:
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. — Rom. 1:26-27, NKJV