
Episode 81: How conservatives can win: Lessons from Grover Cleveland

Join Zach as he explores Grover Cleveland’s political challenges and triumphs as a conservative.

There is much pessimism in conservative circles about whether conservatives can win elections in the face of demographic change and election fraud. Is this pessimism warranted? Have conservatives ever faced similar challenges in American history? The story of Grover Cleveland, the only American president to serve two nonconsecutive terms, provides some answers.


Join Zach as he explores Grover Cleveland’s political challenges and triumphs as a conservative in this fourth part of a multi-part series on lessons we can learn from American history about our modern political troubles.


About the Green Dragon Tavern Show


“Talking a little treason.” Veteran political operative Zach Lautenschlager and retired MLB pitcher Dennis Sarfate bring breaking news and inside commentary on American culture, politics, and business.


The Green Dragon Tavern is where Paul Revere and the Sons of Liberty gathered in Boston during the American Revolution. “Let us go to the Green Dragon and talk a little treason,” Founding Father Samuel Adams would say, tongue in cheek, according to legend. 


Today, The Green Dragon Tavern show is where free men and women gather in defense of freedom.


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