
Exclusive: Young Christians react to their arrest at drag queen event

The two young Christians remarked in exclusive conversations with The Sentinel that they were motivated to attend the drag queen performance out of a desire to protect the children and to share the gospel.

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The Sentinel was the first outlet to speak with Schroeder and Proell, the latter of whom was also detained at the event. File Image.

Marcus Schroeder and Nick Proell, two young Christians arrested and detained at a drag queen event in Watertown, Wisconsin, said in exclusive interviews with The Sentinel that they desired to take action against the sexualization of children in alignment with their faith.


Video of police officers arresting Schroeder and aggressively pulling his microphone away as he read from the Bible at the Saturday event went viral on social media. The Sentinel was the first outlet to speak with Schroeder and Proell, the latter of whom was also detained at the event. Schroeder is presently charged with unlawful use of sound amplification and resisting arrest.


The two young Christians remarked in conversations with The Sentinel that they were motivated to attend the drag queen event out of a desire to protect the children and to share the gospel.


“Jesus told us to disciple the nations and teach them to obey all that Christ has commanded us, and part of the nations includes the culture,” Schroeder said, dismissing the notion that they were engaged in a mere culture war. “It's not that we're just trying to get political. This is God's world, and people have to live by God's rules. So we're here to take a stand for justice.”



“Jesus is Lord, and because he is the King and has made me a new creation through repentance and faith in him, I want to tell everyone living in sin that they can have true joy and peace if they simply turn to him in faith,” added Proell. “He has taken away my death sentence by taking my place. He died on a cross and was raised to life on the third day, defeating death and conquering the grave. If I truly believe in him, how could I not preach this good news to those who are lost in the LGBT movement?”


Proell added that the behavior exhibited toward the children brought to the drag event by their own parents was heartbreaking. “I also love the children that are there. As a father of a newborn baby girl, it crushes my soul to see little children being sexualized at such a young age,” he said. “Not only are they being indoctrinated and abused by their parents, but the entirety of the law enforcement there lacked the courage to stand up against this wickedness.”


"He died on a cross and was raised to life on the third day, defeating death and conquering the grave. If I truly believe in him, how could I not preach this good news?"


Jason Storms, a minister at Mercy Seat Christian Church, where both young men are members, previously told The Sentinel that there were several dozen police officers assembled to protect the drag queen event, despite the fact that Wisconsin law forbids individuals from causing a minor to witness sexually explicit conduct. Schroeder, who said that police did not tell him to decrease the volume on his amplification device before he was arrested, claimed that the officers were disposed toward treating the Christians at the event unfairly.


“It's pretty clear that the cops had a personal bias there, and that they were shutting me down because of the fact that I was protesting this event. And that is exemplified in the fact that those were the same cops who were really being jerks toward our side all day,” he continued. “There's actually laws on the books that very clearly criminalize what the drag queens were doing, and we brought that to the officers’ attention, and they refused to uphold the law that day.”



Proell, who was detained and cited for disorderly conduct, told The Sentinel that another member of his church was cited with a trespassing notice for entering the park with a sign that condemned sexual sin. She was required to pay a ticket but plans on challenging the citation, contending that the move was unlawful. Schroeder also intends to pursue legal action.


“These politicians have to repent and turn back to Christ,” Schroeder added. “They have to understand that one day, they're going to have to stand before God. They're not going to have to stand before the people who voted them in, they're not going to have to stand before even the Constitution. They're going to have to stand before God and have to give an account before God's law and his standards.”


“There's actually laws on the books that very clearly criminalize what the drag queens were doing, and we brought that to the officers’ attention, and they refused to uphold the law that day.”


Schroeder was able to speak before the Watertown Common Council meeting on Tuesday. He asserted that the unrelated Nazi presence at the drag performance, which caused the event to make national headlines and provoked rebukes from Wisconsin Democratic Governor Tony Evers, would only increase under a culture unmoored from traditional Christian ethics.



“From a worldview that rejects Christ and the idea that we're made in God's image, and promotes the idea that we are the results of evolved stardust, that our ancestors were fish and the descendants of monkeys: What's wrong with Nazism? We're all animals. Why can't we do as we please?” he noted. “The more that we become tolerant of sexual immorality, the more we become intolerant of the Christian worldview, to the point that a Christian is arrested for reading the Bible on the sidewalk. The more that we are intolerant of the Christian worldview, the more we're going to see Nazis, and the more we're going to see drag queens twerking on kids.”


Proell had the opportunity to share the gospel with the Nazis during the drag queen event. “Preaching to the possible Nazis was just like preaching to anyone else,” he commented. “Everyone lost in sin that does not know Christ needs to hear this gospel message.”


"The more that we are intolerant of the Christian worldview, the more we're going to see Nazis, and the more we're going to see drag queens twerking on kids.”


Schroeder also said that conservative Christians who “like to complain about the culture around us” and merely pray about the moral state of the nation are insufficiently addressing the problem. “I think there comes a time where faith without works is dead,” he added. “What good is it if we pray that the children are protected from the drag queens if we don't actually show up and do something to protect them, and do something to fight against this culturally?”


“If Christians don't fight for those children now, that one day when they come for our children, there's going to be nobody to fight for us,” he concluded. “If we truly say we love our neighbor as ourselves, it’s important to actually go out there and act like it.”


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