
Woke Wars: Check out this garbage marriage advice

We have many young men in our culture who are completely unmoored from the true, good, and beautiful. They lack role models that demonstrate Christian masculinity for them, as well as mentors to help them understand the folly of pagan masculinity.

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Unless the situation changes, we will see more young men destroy the young women they date, the children they have, and eventually themselves. File Image.

Editor's Note: This article is from Woke Wars, an email-only newsletter from The Sentinel published six days per week to cover the cultural insurgency of wokeness. If you want to read more content like this, sign up for free here.


Men in our culture lack masculine role models.


In generations past, most young Western men would have received sound advice about marriage and family from their fathers, grandfathers, and other mentors, usually driven by or at least heavily influenced by Christianity and biblical wisdom.


But now, many young men in the West find themselves fatherless, meaning that many have instead turned to online influencers with terrible advice on these matters.



Myron Gaines is one of those influencers. He suggested that before a man can be married, he must be thirty-five or older, be in physical shape, earn more than $100,000 per year, save between six and twelve months of income, and “have had sex with fifty girls or more.”


Spoken like a true degenerate.


Some of those ideas are reasonable. Having some money saved or being in decent physical shape never hurt anyone, especially men expected to provide for and protect a woman.


But the others are absolute, utter, moronic garbage.



Rather than building a life together with one woman for life, Gaines wants young men to spend the first two decades of their adulthood sleeping with dozens of random women.


He justified that last pearl of wisdom by insisting “you have to get your heart broken” and saying the practice will “give you a general sense of hypergamy.”


It will also give you STDs.


Thankfully there were some actual Christian husbands and fathers to offer much better alternatives. Jamie Bambrick, a pastor who lives in Northern Ireland, provided some “non-idiotic things” that young men should actually pursue before they are married.



Those include remaining chaste until marriage, having a solid knowledge of the Bible, earning enough to provide, knowing what values and habits will shape the family, and planning the mission of the family while making sure the potential spouse agrees with that direction.


Much better. Definitely non-idiotic.


We have many young men in our culture who are completely unmoored from the true, good, and beautiful. They lack role models that demonstrate Christian masculinity for them, as well as mentors to help them understand the folly of pagan masculinity.


Unless that situation changes, we will see more young men destroy the young women they date, the children they have, and eventually themselves, both body and soul.


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