
Woke Wars: Democrats still want to own the dictionary

In typical fashion, the modern Democratic Party in our country is seeking to give Big Brother a run for their money, even as they lose political relevance at an alarmingly rapid pace.

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This particular example is rather unhinged, but the point remains that Democrats have the instinct to manipulate language in order to recreate our culture and socially engineer outcomes. File Image.

Editor’s Note: Woke Wars, formerly an email newsletter from The Sentinel meant to cover the cultural insurgence of wokeness in our society, is now exclusively available on our website.


The main conflict in the masterpiece George Orwell novel Nineteen Eighty-Four is not between Winston Smith and Big Brother. The main conflict in the book is over control of the dictionary.


The totalitarian government in that novel seeks to redefine terms and police language.


Nineteen Eighty-Four is the book from which we have terms like “thought police.” Orwell prophetically warned about governments which rely on propaganda to maintain power.



In typical fashion, the modern Democratic Party in our country is seeking to give Big Brother a run for their money, even as they lose political relevance at an alarmingly rapid pace.


They will always crave power.


Representative Janice Schakowsky, a Democrat from Illinois, said during a hearing that she met with a manufacturing company about making sure more young people are in that industry.


Schakowsky said the executives told her women in particular are not involved in manufacturing at high levels. But she asked aloud whether the word “manufacturing” is causing women to shy away from the industry merely because the word has the term “man” contained therein.



She said that “I’m just wondering if just the name ‘manufacturing’ sounds like a guy.”


These types of comments are laughably absurd. More inclusive language seminars and diversity trainings will not magically increase the number of women involved in manufacturing, let alone bring our previous manufacturing power back from overseas economies.


But the absurdity is the objective. They merely want control over our words and thoughts.


They used Orwell as a guidebook.


This particular example is rather unhinged, but the point remains that Democrats have the instinct to manipulate language in order to recreate our culture and socially engineer outcomes.



We simply cannot let them do that. We need to exercise the duty of laughing at them.


Thankfully in this instance, laughter comes fairly easily, and as the Democrats continue to hamstring themselves by embracing woke insanity, we must always continue to guffaw.


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