
Woke Wars: Islamic rule is already arriving in Britain

The hour is late for Britain, but unless they want to be ruled by Islam, they have no choice but to act. Americans meanwhile have no choice but to refuse to repeat their many failures.

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The homeland of the English, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish peoples has been overrun with foreigners who do not understand, or are even directly hostile toward, their historic way of life. File Image.

Editor’s Note: Woke Wars, formerly an email newsletter from The Sentinel meant to cover the cultural insurgence of wokeness in our society, is now exclusively available on our website.


Americans are dealing with a mass immigration crisis, but we are also watching as Britain welcomes in even more foreign hordes from all over the world to their island across the pond.


The homeland of the English, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish peoples has been overrun with foreigners who do not understand, or are even directly hostile toward, their historic way of life.



Take the example of Tower Hamlets, a borough in London that sits on the north bank of the River Thames and happens to have the most heavily Islamic population in all of Britain. In only a few short years, the Bangladeshi Muslims in the borough have secured complete local control.


Sharia law has already arrived.


An ethno-religious group called the Aspire Party overtook the Labour Party in 2022 as the most powerful bloc in the area. They won local elections with no mainstream support, even though their leader, Lutfur Rahman, had previously been barred from office “due to electoral fraud and practicing undue spiritual influence,” according to a social media thread from Christian Concern.


Back in 2014, the coalition issued a letter from 100 imams and Islamic leaders endorsing Rahman, and they did not even bother to translate the letter from Bengali into English. Rahman was thus barred by the court system in 2015 from running for elections for the next five years.



They also have no website and no way for English speakers to scrutinize their policy positions, according to an article by Daniel Dieppe, a parliamentary researcher for the House of Lords.


“The lack of sway held by mainstream parties means that the Aspire Party is not under the pressure or expectations that a national party would receive from the national press,” Dieppe remarked in the column. “There is no attempt to defend their positions or stances in public forums. Many residents of Tower Hamlets will not be aware of Lutfur Rahman, the Aspire Party, or the extraordinary court judgement of 2015 that banned him from standing for five years.”


Seems like a qualified candidate.


Christian Concern raised the alarm over the takeover of Tower Hamlets by a group of ethnic Muslims who have rather unclear policies and intentions for English residents of the borough.



The organization called for a “halt to mass immigration” to prevent communities “from coming under the spell of sectarianism.” They called for the teaching of British values in schools, making sure to include “the common foundations of Christianity, and shared British culture, history, and habits.” They warned that “the false credo of multiculturalism can last no more.”


The hour is late for Britain, but unless they want to be ruled by Islam, they have no choice but to act. Americans meanwhile have no choice but to refuse to repeat their many failures.


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