
Woke Wars: The insanely corrupt darling of elite evangelicals

Collins spent more than a decade as head of the National Institutes of Health defending evil practices such as the use of aborted baby corpses in medical experiments, including one such experiment where the corpses were combined with rodents.

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Another study overseen by Collins involved providing two years of hormone therapies to self-described transgender children, two of whom tragically died by suicide during the study. File Image.

Editor’s Note: Woke Wars, formerly an email newsletter from The Sentinel meant to cover the cultural insurgence of wokeness in our society, is now exclusively available on our website.


The people of our nation unfortunately know the name of Dr. Anthony Fauci very well.


Fauci was the individual who became something of a national symbol for all of the lockdown policies that enabled unprecedented government tyranny in the name of public health.



Dr. Francis Collins, the now-retired boss of Fauci, was in many ways equally as sinister. The only difference is that he covered his wickedness in a veneer of evangelical sheepishness.


The bureaucrats are evil.


Collins spent more than a decade as head of the National Institutes of Health defending evil practices such as the use of aborted baby corpses in medical experiments, including one such experiment at the University of Pittsburgh where the corpses were combined with rodents.


Another study overseen by Collins involved providing two years of hormone therapies to self-described transgender children, two of whom tragically died by suicide during the study.



Collins nevertheless self-righteously appeared at a recent rally against the defunding of such evil medical experiments under President Donald Trump, describing those in support of continued funding toward the increasingly sinister scientific-industrial complex as “good people.”


Recall that many elite evangelicals, from Russell Moore and Rick Warren, to David French and Tim Keller, have glowingly endorsed Collins and his character, not in spite of his covert progressivism, but in all likelihood because of his covert progressivism, which they share.


The emperor has no clothes.


The fact that these elite evangelicals have treated Collins like some kind of folk hero instead of a subversive actor victimizing vulnerable children in our nation speaks to their moral corruption.



They were more than ready to link arms with a deeply sinister man, pridefully overlooking all of the massive issues with his tenure in our federal government. They have only doubled down in the years since word of Collins and his corruption has spread among American Christians.


One can most certainly be a faithful Christian and a senior government official. One cannot completely jettison Christian life ethics in the process while still touting evangelical bona fides.


Sooner or later, believers will see through the sheep clothing and notice the claws and fangs.


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