
Woke Wars: Mayor of Boston apologizes to family of stabber

The past few years have seen criminality drive people to leave blue areas, gutting their economies and tax bases in the process, and yet Democrats are still coddling the criminals.

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Wu and other officials need to learn that they should reward good behavior and punish bad behavior, even in their rhetoric, at the risk of assuring criminals that they will be treated lightly. File Image.

Editor’s Note: Woke Wars, formerly an email newsletter from The Sentinel meant to cover the cultural insurgence of wokeness in our society, is now exclusively available on our website.


Democrats have developed an affinity for the criminals who destroy their cities and states.


The past few years have seen criminality drive people to leave blue areas, gutting their economies and tax bases in the process, and yet Democrats are still coddling the criminals.



Boston Democratic Mayor Michelle Wu most recently went viral over the weekend for voicing condolences to the family of a knife-wielding maniac shot dead by an off-duty police officer.


That poor innocent slasher!


The unnamed suspect reportedly tried to stab two people in a Chick-fil-A store before he was fatally shot by the officer, even after the officer identified himself and told him to drop the knife.


Wu did not even voice sympathy for the two people who were almost stabbed to death but said during a press conference that “my condolences, and all of our thoughts, are with the family of the individual whose life has been lost.” Wu continued that she is also “thinking of all the people who were impacted here today in one of the busier parts of the city with this tragedy."



Wu did at least say she is “glad that the officer is safe and very grateful for a quick response.”


Jonathan Choe, a journalist in Seattle, blasted the official for her comments. “When is the last time you heard of a mayor apologizing to the family of a knife wielding attacker who allegedly tried to kill multiple people?” Choe asked. “What about the people who were nearly killed?”


That is a very good question.


Wu and other officials need to learn that they should reward good behavior and punish bad behavior, even in their rhetoric, at the risk of assuring criminals that they will be treated lightly.



There are many needed reforms to save what remains of cities and states run by Democrats.


The enforcement of the law and the prosecution of criminals are absolutely nonnegotiable. This is the basic duty of officials like Wu, and the basic expectation that their citizens should have.


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